I’m joining Tropic Skincare!!

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Well, let me introduce myself. I’m a 36 year old mother of two and I’m pretty unsatisfied with my career at the moment. Home life is great, I have two (mostly) delightful kids,  but career… blurgh!

I was a Police Officer for Eleven years before being unable to go back after the birth of my second child. I kind of wanted to go back, (mostly just for the money) but it was made impossible with the inability to get childcare to cover all manner of shifts that were expected of me. My husband works away a lot, you see, so it was just going to be a bloody nightmare from start to finish. So, I spent the next two years thinking about what else I could do. I can sew curtains so maybe set up a curtain company? But my heart just isn’t in it. I want something less solitary, I need a team – maybe it’s the Police Officer in me, but it’s what I’m used to, it’s fun.

Then the Multi Level Marketing idea kept creeping into my mind, but I dismissed it thinking ‘No-one actually makes money out of it, do they?’… Well it turns out they do. Some people make a bit of ‘pocket money’ to fit round the kids, some make big bucks – I’ve met a lady in Lanzarote that has earnt over £1million doing it.

So then the research began. Which one? I was doing well at discounting each one I came across for a variety of reasons but then….

My sister came to visit me and showed me her Tropic skincare products. She bought them at a fair and was totally in love with them. I tried them and could see why, they smelt and felt amazing and so I looked them up. I recognised Susan Ma (from the Apprentice) immediately from the Tropic pictures and obviously Lord Alan Sugar who is a 50% owner of the business.


I read up; it’s natural, vegan, cruelty free, free from nasty chemicals, ethical, they recycle… Basically everything I want from my products. Plus they don’t use unsustainable Palm Oil so the Orangutans will still have their homes intact. The products are always winning new beauty awards and its a relatively new, very fast growing company.

It works by offering

Pampering 1:1 – Helping people pick the right products for their skin

Pamper Parties – You go and do a party at a hostess’ house, showcase the products and tell everyone how amazing they are (which they are), then get more parties on the back of it, and repeat! Plus the hostess gets a choice of free products, depending on how much is sold at the party!

Online – the company set you up with your website as soon as you join so it’s as easy as that!

So last week and met with Debbie, my local Platinum Manager. She was so lovely and chatted to me about how nice the company is and the opportunities to work part time or full time, it is what you make it basically,  I’m even more keen now than I was before to go back and get started.

I’m booking as many parties as I can to get myself started and get my friends and their friends excited about the products. If you inspire other people to join the party and become an Ambassador then you earn on their commission too and start working your way up the management ladder, if that’s what you want out of it, maybe it’s not?

Also they have Glambassador events where you all get dressed up in your sparkly frocks and bond. I love that idea. I always need some female party bonding, and an excuse to get dressed up is always welcome! These ladies look like they’re having a great time!


Can you tell I’m excited??

I WILL make this work, if not I’ll be back in the Police, and I’m not keen on that plan. This WILL work!

Get in touch and let me know your thoughts or experiences or if you’d like to start this Tropic journey with me, I’d be happy to share what I learn with you.

Facebook: http://www.facebook/TropicNat

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TropicNat

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tropicnatalie (TropicNat was already taken, damn!!)

Email: TropicNat@outlook.com

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